Our team
Over the years of joint work, the Company has developed a consolidated and qualified team of engineers and specialists in the field of chemical technology and chemical engineering, including Doctors of Science and Ph.Ds. Our employees are characterized by a high level of professional training and extensive practical experience in the field of chemical innovation, creative approach to work, and the ability to adapt to ongoing changes.
Thanks to this, as well as to the Company's large stock of new ideas and technical solutions, the NewChem Technology LLC is able to carry out scientific, technical and engineering developments for its partners and customers at a high professional level using the latest and non-traditional approaches.
Sultan Khamizov - general management.
He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics of the Berbekov Kabardino-Balkarian State University in 1981, and the Higher School of International Business, the Academy of National Economy at the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996, Master of Business Administration (MBA).
He successfully combines administrative work and participation in the scientific and technical developments carried out by the Company. He is a co-author of 8 Russian and foreign patents, a number of scientific articles and reports.
Ruslan Khamizov – scientific and technical policy of the company, R&D management.
He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Sorption Methods at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (GEOKHI), Russian Academy of Sciences.
He is one of the world's leading specialists in the field of ion-exchange, physical surface chemistry, separation of substances in solutions and colloidal systems.
He has published over 100 scientific articles and chapters in collective monographs in Russian and foreign editions, is a co-author of 35 patents, including patents in the USA, European countries, Japan and Israel.
He is co-author of a series of pioneering works in the kinetics and dynamics of ion-exchange processes in multiphase multicomponent systems.
Together with his co-authors, he discovered and theoretically described a new physicochemical phenomenon: “Isothermal supersaturation of solutions in the ion-exchange processes”, cited in the special literature as the IXISS-effect. Based on this and his other priority scientific developments in the field of concentration and separation of substances, Khamizov R.Kh. proposed a new approach to solving of one of the key challenges of the XXI century - creation of waste-free, environmentally friendly processes for the complex processing of natural mineralized (including sea) waters and brines to obtain fresh water and valuable mineral components.
In recent years, Khamizov R. Kh. has proposed new effective sorption methods based on the organization of mass-exchange processes in submicron dynamic films. Under his scientific guidance, the NewChem Technology LLC has developed several unique industrial technologies which are a breakthrough in their field:
Mikhail Petukhov - engineering issues.
In 2005 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Steel and Alloys (Technological University), faculty of non-ferrous and precious metals, specialty - Metallurgy of non-ferrous and precious metals, specialty - Metallurgy of rare metals; 2010 – obtained Ph.D. in Engineering Science.
An expert in the field of designing of chemical and technological and hydrometallurgical processes, experienced in participating in the development of a number of projects for industrial enterprises, including: designing of chemical laboratories for the study of the physicochemical and operational properties of fuels and oils, of a site for the production of high-temperature alloys on a nickel base, etc.
He organized and set up work on engineering support for the ongoing technological developments at the NewChem Technology LLC.
Andrey Balagurov - development issues, cooperation with investors and development institutions.
Graduated from the Far Eastern Polytechnic Institute; Project Manager for the PMI.
Since 2009 he has been working in the field of innovative business and venture investment. Competencies: express diagnostics of innovative projects in the industrial field, preparation of investment documentation, investment rising from venture and industrial investors. Consultant (mentor) for a number of projects – members of Skolkovo in several clusters. Expert of the Skolkovo Grant Service (Space Technology and Telecommunications Cluster), expert of Generation S Industrial Track.
Murat Konov - marketing, economics and finance.
From 1994 to 2002 he studied at Fettes College, one of the leading private schools in Scotland, renowned for its high standards of character and leadership education.
Higher education:
Specialist in the field of investment analysis, financial risk management. Operates international accounting systems GAAP USA, GAAP UK, IFRS.