


For our customers, we offer a wide range of engineering services - from pre-design work to commissioning of an object. Using state-of-the-art 3D designing software, we can develop high-quality technical documentation that meets the existing regulatory requirements, organize on behalf of the customer the necessary related procedures in the following areas:

• production of salts and other products of low-tonnage chemistry;
• production of mineral fertilizers;
• areas of opening, filtration, sedimentation and other hydrometallurgical processing;
• installations for sorption and ion exchange;
• lines for drying of products with dust and gas cleaning systems;
• warehouses for storage of chemical products, tank farms for storing acids and alkalis;
• lines for transportation of raw materials and finished products;
• overpasses and acid pipelines;
• lines for waste processing;
• closed water circulation and treatment systems.

The list of design works we offer includes:

"NewChem Techology" LLC,
125315,Moscow,Chasovaia st.,28